
Badminton Fans
Badminton Canada
Badminton World Federation Fansite
BWF Corporate - Badminton World Federation Corporate page for those who need more information on tournament schedules, inside news, and event criteria.
BWF TV YouTube Channel - Badminton World Federation’s YouTube channel, where you watch the biggest tournaments live, and in retrospect.
Provincial Badminton Associations
British Columbia
New Brunswick
Prince Edward Island
Newfoundland and Labrador
Nova Scotia
Northwest Territories
For Coaches
Support Through Sport
Coach Tool Kit
Sport MB Manual and Interactive Videos
BWF Shuttle Time – Giving every child a chance to play badminton
The Value of Sport
Coaches For Change Lecture on Diversity and Inclusion uploaded by Coaches Ontario
Sport for Life for all Newcomers to Canada - Information barriers, struggles, and their solutions.
Indigenous Coaching | CAC - Coaching Association of Canada’s information page on Indigenous Coaching.
Women and Girls in Badminton
Concussion Information
Concussion Awareness
Boys vs. Girls - Sex Differences with Concussions
How Biological Sex and Gender Affect Concussion Risk and Management Kerr and Shafi (University of Toronto), September 2021
COVID Resources From Coaching Canada
CAC response to COVID-19
For Parents
Sports Safety for Parents - Information for parents on keeping their kids safe from the Coaching Association of Canada.
Keeping Kids Safe
Canadian Centre for Child Protection (CCCP) is a national charity that works to reduce the incidences of missing and sexually exploited children/youth in Canada. In addition to working with sports and other child-serving sectors, we are part of the Government of Canada’s National Strategy for the Protection of Children from Sexual Exploitation on the Internet, through our operation of – Canada’s tip line for reporting online sexual exploitation of children.
The CCCP provides resources and support through our Commit to Kids framework. The Commit to Kids program looks at and beyond ‘what we do when we suspect abuse’ and emphasizes expectations for adults interacting with children in sports, encourages bringing forward any concerns of misconduct towards children, and helps organizations with the development policies that enable safe adults to uphold standards of conduct that protect youth.
The program has two components:
1. eLearning module: Commit to Kids for Coaches – a 2.5-hour online training that results in a certificate of complete and 3 NCCP PD points towards maintenance of certification / eLearning module: An Introduction to Safeguarding Children from Sexual Abuse – a 23-minute overview view which does not result in certification or PD points
2. Commit to Kids Kit & Policies and Procedures Workbook
Combined, these resources provide:
· Increased awareness and education on how child sexual abuse happens
· Specific strategies on how to prevent abuse
· Guidance on clear boundaries between employees/volunteers and children
· Information about handling allegations/reporting of abuse and reporting and addressing possible misconduct, in a sensitive, timely and effective manner
Free downloadable supplements to the Commit to Kids framework:
Commit to Kids: Helping Organizations Prevent Child Sexual Abuse
Order Materials: Commit to Kids Guide for Parents Brochure
Video Read-Along Storybooks –
This site contains some of the trending resources for parents, organizations, and schools: Resources & Research: Trending Resources, Timely Support –