Individual Memberships
New PlayerWeb user? Please read Instructions for PlayerWeb Registration before proceeding to LINK.
Renewing last year's membership? Please read Instructions for PlayerWeb Renewal before proceeding to LINK.
2024-2025 Individual Player Membership

* Prices include GST (# 103480851RT0001)
Membership Expiry Notes:
The MBA Membership Season is June 1 - May 31 each year, and therefore all active memberships expire on June 1.
Club Affiliation
If you do not belong to a club, please choose "Not Club-Affiliated: [YOUR] Region"
If your club is not listed, please choose "Not Club-Affiliated: [YOUR] Region" and send an email to [email protected]
If creating a membership for your child, please fill out the membership using THEIR information.
If you have multiple children to register, they each need their own membership.
Choose a Username and Password you can remember!
If you forget your Username of Password, contact [email protected] and we will retrieve it for you
Once your profile is made, you can always go back and edit it.
A very special thank you to our sponsors!