Coaching Opportunities

Manitoba Badminton Association (MBA) Summer Camps offer an exciting, dynamic and quality learning experience for youth as a result of quality leadership.
Each year, we hire program coordinators and coaches for our summer camps and programs! Full- and part-time positions are available, as well as casual coaching opportunities.

The Manitoba Badminton Association is now looking for coaches and managers for the upcoming 2022 Manitoba Winter Games.
Click here for the Manitoba Winter Games (MWG) page, where you will find more information and application documents.

The Manitoba Aboriginal Sport & Rec Council (MASRC) is currently accepting applications for Sport Coaches and Sport Managers for NAIG 2023, to be held in Halifax, Nova Scotia.
Click here for more information. The deadline to apply is September 30, 2021.

The purpose of the Developmental Winter Programs are to meet the basic developmental needs for badminton in as many communities as possible. The program fosters the roots of what is hopefully a long life of badminton in each individual, and because of this we are looking for excited and knowledgeable staff to lead our ever-expanding Winter Programs.
The Developmental Winter Programs are run out of school gymnasiums once a week from October to March. The are typically 1-2 hours long per session and require the instructor to have a minimum of level 1 Technical Coaching Certification (NCCP). Click here for more information on the Developmental Winter Programs.
If you are interested in becoming a DWP coach, please contact Justin Friesen at [email protected]
The MBA follows the pathway as outlined below for coaching development.
The compensation rates for coaching are as follows and is based on a coach's level of certification:
Regional Coach
Shuttletime $18.00 per hour
Regional in Training $18.00 per hour
Regional Trained $19.00 per hour
Regional Certified $21.00 per hour
Provincial Coach
Provincial in Training $22.00 per hour
Provincial Trained $23.00 per hour
Provincial Certified $25.00 per hour
Comp Dev
Comp Dev in Training $21.00
Comp Dev Trained $24.00
Comp Dev Certified $36.00
For a PDF copy of the coaches compensation click here.
All coaches can be expected to be paid according to the program they are coaching.