Manitoba Games Powered by MB Hydro
2022 Manitoba Winter Games - Badminton

Team Leadership Recruitment
Each region has across Manitoba has multiple leaders for badminton that have been instrumental in growing our sport. It is the Manitoba Badminton Association’s goal to include as many of these leaders as possible in the 2022 Manitoba Winter Games powered by Manitoba Hydro.
Each region requires:
1 Head Coach
1 Assistant Coach
1 Manager
*At least one male and one female required across all three positions
We are still looking for Managers in select regions. To apply, please use the application form here.
2022 Badminton Competition Basics
Teams: East, West, North, South & Winnipeg (2 teams; Blue & Gold)
U15 Team
Born in 2008 or later, 5 Male & 5 Female, 1 Head Coach, 1 Assistant Coach & 1 Manager
U17 Team
Born in 2006 or later, 5 Male & 5 Female, 1 Head Coach, 1 Assistant Coach & 1 Manager
Athletes will all participate in both an Individual and Team Event
Individual Event:
Elimination Draw of 16 teams for boys’ and girls’ doubles
Elimination Draw of 8 for mixed doubles
(Coaches will assign players to boys’ doubles, girls’ doubles or mixed doubles)
*Tentative/preferred format based off of 2018 Games, but subject to court availability at 2022 venue
Team Event:
Round Robin followed by Playoff
(Coach will assign team line-up prior to each team tie/matchup)
(Fall 2021, when/where possible)
Team ID Camps are an opportunity for athletes interested in attending the Games to meet coaches, play games, learn some new skills, and get on court (perhaps for the first in months). While no roster decisions are made at the ID camps, they do offer team coaches a chance to get to know athletes from all parts of the region, which is especially important after a long period without tournaments or competition.

Before registering, be sure to check your eligibility and the regional map.
(November/December 2021)
Team Tryouts and Selection will take place in late 2021. More details to follow.
Badminton at the Manitoba Winter Games
Badminton has been a part of the Manitoba Winter Games (MWG) for a long time and the tradition will continue in 2022.
Athletes participating in Manitoba Winter Games Powered by MB Hydro are identified for further competitive opportunities with Badminton Manitoba.
Each Region will have its own specific development and qualification process.
Please check our website for updates and more info on your regional tryouts and training opportunities.
Team Competition was introduced at the 2018 MWG, and is a large part of the national and international badminton scene. It is the basis of competition for the Western Canadian Team Championships, Canada Winter Games, and some international events such as Thomas and Uber Cups, and brings many benefits such as teamwork, camaraderie and excitement. We wanted to align our Manitoba Winter Games with these competitions so that athletes at our developmental level can experience this type of event!
Want to know more about the 2022 Manitoba Winter Games hosts? Check out this article:
For Regional Boundaries go here (

Previous Manitoba Games:
2018 - Thompson
2016 - Steinbach
2014 - Winkler/Morden
2012 - Swan Valley
2010 - Portage la Prairie
2008 - Carman
2006 - Beasejour
2004 - Dauphin
2002 - The Pas/OCN
2000 - Virden
1998 - Gimli
1996 - Morden
1994 - Thompson
1992 - Minnedosa/Neepawa
1990 - Carman
1988 - Beasejour/Pinawa
1986 - Flin Flon